TTABlog Quarterly Index: April - June 2015
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Section 2(a) - Disparagement:
- CAFC Vacates THE SLANTS Opinion, Orders En Banc Hearing
- CAFC Affirms TTAB, Finds THE SLANTS Disparaging of People of Asian Descent
- "MATTRESS OVERSTOCK & Design" Not Confusable With "OVERSTOCK.COM," Says TTAB
- TTAB Test: Are KNOTTY BRUNETTE and NUTTY BREWNETTE Confusingly Similar for Beer?
- 041 BACARO & Design Confusable With BACARO for Restaurant Services, Says TTAB
- TTAB Test: Are ACCURASCIENCE and ACURA PHARMACEUTICALS Confusable for Research Services? [No]
- TTAB Test: Are MOONSHINE REDEFINED and REDEFINING VODKA Confusable for Liqour? [Yes]
- TTAB Test: Is SHAKTI THARA For Musical Performances Confusable with SHAKTI for Compact Discs? [No]
- TTAB Orders Cancellation of "AAA CarFacts" Registration: Confusable with CARFAX
- TTAB Test: Are COW CREEK and BULL CREEK BREWING Confusable for Beer? [Yes]
- TTAB Test: Are Ginger-Based Soft Drinks Related to Vodka, Gin, and Rum? [Yes]
- WYHA? TTAB Finds MASTERBAITER Confusable With MASTERBAIT & Design, Both for Clothing
- TTAB Test: Which One of These Four Section 2(d) Refusals Was Reversed?
- TTAB Dismisses OMEGA Opposition, Finding Tactical Protective Clothing and Watches Unrelated
- TTAB Test: Which One of These Four 2(d) Refusals Was Reversed?
- TTAB Test: Is SUNRISE for Guitar Picks Confusable With PUKANA LA for Guitars? [No]
- TTAB Reverses BRUTOPIA BREWERY Refusal, Finding Pubs Not Related to Beer Festivals
- WYHA? PUP SCOUTS and DOG SCOUTS OF AMERICA Confusable for Pet Services, Barks TTAB
- PANDORA'S for Cosmetics Confusable with Famous Mark PANDORA for Jewelry, Says TTAB
- Precedential No. 11: Despite Examination Errors, Issued Registration Must Be Cited as Section 2(d) Bar
- TTAB Test: Is GROCERY GEAR Merely Descriptive of Reusable Grocery Bags? [Yes]
- WYHA? TTAB Affirms Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of MORINGA SKIN for Body Lotions
- TTAB Test: Is EV500 Merely Descriptive of Electric Vehicle Competitions? [Yes]
- TTAB Test: Is CASTFLOOR Merely Descriptive of Liquid-Based Flooring Materials? [No]
- TTAB Test: Is CHEF'S CUBE Merely Descriptive of Vacuum Packaging Machines? [No]
- TTAB Reverses Mere Descriptiveness Refusal of "ERILLO" For Electronic Cigars
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on These Three Mere Descriptiveness Appeals
- CAFC Affirms TTAB: NOPALEA Merely Descriptive of Supplements Containing Nopal Juice
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability on these Four Mere Descriptiveness Appeals
Section 2(f) - Acquired Distinctiveness:
Application Requirements:
Concurrent Use:
- Precedential No. 15: TTAB Refuses Concurrent Use Registration of DELMONICO'S For Restaurant Services
Failure to Function/Specimen of Use:
- TTAB Reverses Rejection of TRULICITY Specimen of Use: Display in Ordinary Text Enough
- TTAB Affirms Refusal of "SCHOOLFURNITURE4LESS" As Merely Informational
- Test Your TTAB Judge-Ability On This Service Mark Specimen of Use
- Name of Dolphin Fails to Function as Service Mark for Aquarium, Says TTAB
- TTAB Finds SUSTAINABLE WATER Generic for ... Guess What?
- TTAB Test: Is "ALOE BIOSCIENCE" Generic for Aloe-Containing Personal Products?
- CAFC Vacates PRETZEL CRISPS Decision: TTAB Misapplied Genericness Test
- Precedential No. 13: TTAB Finds BUYAUTOPARTS.COM Generic for .... Guess What?
- Three Summary Judgment Motions: Morehouse Defense, Claim Preclusion, and Contract Estoppel
- Fourth Circuit Rules That Plaintiff in Appeal from Ex Parte TTAB Decision Must Pay ALL Expenses"
- TTAB Denies Petition to Disqualify Opposer's Attorney for Signing Applications
- CAFC Affirms TTAB's "iWatch" Ruling: Applicant Lacked Bona Fide Intent
- CAFC Affirms TTAB Entry of Summary Judgment on COLOR WARS Cancellation Petition
- CAFC Vacates PRETZEL CRISPS Decision: TTAB Misapplied Genericness Test
- CAFC Vacates THE SLANTS Opinion, Orders En Banc Hearing
- CAFC Affirms TTAB, Finds THE SLANTS Disparaging of People of Asian Descent
- CAFC Affirms TTAB: NOPALEA Merely Descriptive of Supplements Containing Nopal Juice
- Ken Germain: After B&B v. Hargis, TTAB Litigants Should Consider Expert Testimony
- Reading Material for Your Trip to INTA San Diego
- Roberto Ledesma: "Google and the Kingdom of Tonga"
- Five Presentations from the Trademark Office Comes to California
- Recommended Reading: Prof. Robert C. Bone, "Trademark Functionality Reexamined"
- TTABlogger Returns to Boston and Wolf Greenfield
- TTAB Posts June 2015 Hearing Schedule
- USPTO Seeks Leave to Intervene In FLANAX 4th Circuit Appeal
- TTAB Posts May 2015 Hearing Schedule
- TTAB Posts April 2015 Hearing Schedule
Text Copyright John L. Welch 2015.
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